Powering Tiny Wonder is a community of passionate designers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and educators.

Our Values

We maintain hope, even when times are challenging. We know that creating meaningful change in education isn't easy, but we look to small, steady wins to help propel us forward.
We are intentional, diligent, and rigorous in all that we do. We work across disciplines and expertise to create real and lasting impact.
We work hand-in-hand with learners from all walks of life to build a valuable tool. Our work is far from done and we aspire to elevate the voices of learners as we go.
We know we are only a small piece of a much bigger mosaic of landscape of work being done to improve the lives of students. We approach this work with humility and curiosity.


Minnie Bredouw, Executive Director
Minnie is the founder and Executive Director of Tiny Wonder—a program dedicated to helping young people explore purpose and create impact. She also advises on design for social impact through her organization, Studio Bredouw.  When she’s not designing, she is teaching at  UC Berkeely or California College of the Arts and Copenhagen Institute of Design. Prior to these roles, she has been lucky enough to work at places like IDEO, ideo.org, and frog design. In her spare time, she writes and dabbles in photography.
Joan Lee, Programs Director Purpose Project
As an educator, Joan’s constantly working towards making learning meaningful and fun. Her journey—from teaching middle school in Gallup, NM, to working with out-of-school time programs in Washington, D.C., and conducting research as a Fulbright grantee in Finland—reflects a commitment to create engaging experiences for youth. Now, as the Director of Purpose Project, she’s applying her rich background to help schools, organizations, and youth discover and cultivate their sense of purpose
Adriana Crespo, Creative Director
Adriana is a visual designer dedicated to creating meaningful and impactful work with a multidisciplinary approach. Her talents span illustration, animation, and audiovisual production, where she excels at building vibrant visual worlds. As a former Designmatters Fellow at Art Center College of Design, Adriana honed her ability to merge creativity with social impact. Currently, she works as a Communications Designer for The Dalberg Group and serves as the Creative Director of Tiny Wonder LLC. She is co-founder of Lo Bueno Colectivo and Llego Films.


Sonia Prusaitis
Program Management
Petula Pascall
Development Lead
Marie Hsiao
Media Design
Emily Rapada
Michelle Nie
Community Manager
Sarah Zaner
Dominic Randolph
<!-- Interaction with values section's image elements --->

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.values-image-container');

    containers.forEach(container => {
        const elements = container.querySelectorAll('.values-element');
        let followElement;

        // Identify the follow element within this container
        elements.forEach(element => {
            if (element.classList.contains('follow')) {
                followElement = element;

        container.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
            const rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
            const mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left;
            const mouseY = e.clientY - rect.top;

            // Make the follow element follow the mouse within this container
            if (followElement) {
                const elementX = followElement.offsetWidth / 2;
                const elementY = followElement.offsetHeight / 2;
                followElement.style.transform = `translate(${mouseX - elementX}px, ${mouseY - elementY}px)`;
                followElement.style.zIndex = '10';

            elements.forEach(element => {
                if (element.classList.contains('move-away')) {
                    const elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
                    const elementCenterX = elementRect.left + elementRect.width / 2;
                    const elementCenterY = elementRect.top + elementRect.height / 2;
                    const deltaX = mouseX - elementCenterX;
                    const deltaY = mouseY - elementCenterY;

                    const distance = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
                    const maxDistance = 80; // Maximum movement distance
                    let moveX = 0, moveY = 0;

                    if (distance < 100) {
                        // If the mouse is close, move the element away randomly
                        const randomDirectionX = (Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
                        const randomDirectionY = (Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
                        moveX = randomDirectionX * maxDistance * Math.random();
                        moveY = randomDirectionY * maxDistance * Math.random();
                    } else {
                        // If the mouse is far, make the element follow the mouse slightly
                        moveX = deltaX / distance * Math.min(distance / 10, maxDistance);
                        moveY = deltaY / distance * Math.min(distance / 10, maxDistance);

                    element.style.transform = `translate(${moveX}px, ${moveY}px)`;
                    element.style.zIndex = '5';

        container.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() {
            elements.forEach(element => {
                element.style.transform = ''; // Smoothly reset all elements when the mouse leaves the container
                element.style.zIndex = ''; // Reset z-index to default

Antoinette Carol
Yanq Qian
Design Intern
Akshat Prasad
Design Intern
Tricia Douglas
Contract Systems Design
Simo Stolzhoff
Contract Editorial Design

Expert Advisory

In addition to our core team, we have partnered with some amazing organizations to help us grow in new ways.